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Welcome to National Council for Homoeopathy

National Council for Homoeopathy is a body Corporate Constituted under Unani Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic Practitioners Act, 1965 to regulate the qualifications and to provide for the Registrations of Practitioners of Unani Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic Practitioners.

(Under Section 5 of UAH Act, 1965)

The National Council for Homoeopathy consists of the following members:-

  • Four members, being registered Homoeopaths, are nominated by the Federal Government after consulting the Provincial Government concerned, of whom one from each Province.
  • Eleven members, elected from amongst themselves by registered and listed Homoeopaths, of whom five from the Punjab, three from Sindh, two from the North-West Frontier Province and one from Balochistan.
  • Two members, are elected from amongst themselves by the teachers of recognized institutions of Homoeopathy, and
  • Four members are nominated by the Federal Government, of whom one a scientist from the related field and one Deputy Secretary (Budget), Ministry of Health, who is also Chairman of the Finance Committee.

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Muhammad Iqbal 

Joint Secretary (Admin)/Administrator NCH

Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations & Cordination




National Council for Homoeopathy © 2018